I evaulating GraphDB and got into situation where none data loaded in newly created repository. By using pure RDF4J open source system I am able to load all files without any issue, but in GraphDB it is telling me that 0 statements parsed and when executing SPARQL query it returns 0.
I tried both the workbench and also the loadrdf tool as I am interested especially in load performance now:
./loadrdf -f -i rdf-experiment -m serial -verbose -s /home/zangetsu/devel/proj/rdfprocessor/src/main/resources/rdf_batch/*_EQ_*
// Logs
// Example RDFXML file
I don't see any helping info in the log file.
Here is example file:
Thanks for any help.
I see from your logs that the file extention was '.xml' so it is very likely that 'loadrdf' tool selected a wrong parser based on it (e.g. autodetected it as in TriX format instead of RDFXML). You could try to rename your rdf files to '.rdf' and check again.