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http auth does not work with TortoiseGit

Every time I try to clone any repo with TortoiseGit from our remote gogs repo I get 401 (Unauthorized).

Using http://user:[email protected]/user/repo.git as checkout url does not work either.
ssh is not an option. Everything works with http auth disabled.

simplified nginx config:

server {
        listen 80;
        listen [::]:80;
                location / {
                        auth_basic "Restricted Content";
                        auth_basic_user_file /var/www/gogs/.htpasswd;
                        proxy_pass http://localhost:3000/;

So my question would be: how do I configure TortoiseGit to send valid http auth?

Edit: seems to only affect private repos, public repos are accessible.
Edit2: pushing to public repos is not possible behind http auth aswell.

Solution: https with reverse proxy is behaving oddly, so repo url and push url have to be used with plain http. Probably some nginx tweeking needed here.


  • Git is a "stupid content tracker". It just tracks content and does not provide or require any authentication or authorization.

    If you want any authentication and/or authorization you need to put it on top somehow.

    If you use gogs, you need to configure authentication there or pass the username from your nginx proxy (cf.,,, ...).

    For other approches to server Git using http see How to serve GIT through HTTP via NGINX with user/password? or

    Old answer:

    With basic authentication there can only be one authentication not two or even more.

    Only exception is proxy authentication (http status code 407 which is done using a different header).

    You could try forward your basic auth credentials to your other server by proxying the credentials or try to provide static credentials in your nginx config.