I have a very basic function app that takes a GET and returns some static text. Eventually I would like it to write a POST body to a queue but to keep it simple the function just returns text. If I keep auth off, I can load the url and get a response in my browser or postman. If I enable aad auth within the function app and create a simple app reg then goto the site in my browser I get prompted for auth and I can login interactively; no worries so far.
I would like to access the function using a secret key for application usage with no interactive login, so within the app reg I go to Keys and generate one. This is where my problems start. If I use postman and configure oauth using my app id and key I can get a token, I have verified this also by doing a POST to https://login.microsoftonline.com//oauth2/token directly and noting the bearer token reply. However when I try an access my function app using the bearer token (either by manually adding an Authorization header or letting postman add it from the oauth 2.0 form) I am always denied with a 401 stating 'You do not have permission to view this directory or page.' when I do a GET to my function app. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance.
Example reply from login url
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": "3599",
"ext_expires_in": "0",
"expires_on": "1525312644",
"not_before": "1525308744",
"resource": "https://<siteaddress>.azurewebsites.net/",
"access_token": "eyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..etc..."
Response from get against function app with token
GET /api/t2 HTTP/1.1
> Host: <sitename>.azurewebsites.net
> Authorization: Bearer eyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.....etc....
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
< Content-Length: 58
< Content-Type: text/html
< WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="<sitename>.azurewebsites.net" authorization_uri="https://login.windows.net/<tenantid>/oauth2/authorize" resource_id="<app reg id>"
< X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
< Date: Thu, 03 May 2018 01:12:43 GMT
I believe you're mixing Azure AD integration with function keys (API key authorization).
The latter is a self-contained authorization mechanism and works by appending
to the function URL, or by passing a
x-functions-key: <func-key-from-portal>
header with every request to the function. No OAuth is involved when using function keys.
GET /api/get-issues HTTP/1.1
Host: {funcapp}.azurewebsites.net
User-Agent: ajax-library-of-the-day
x-functions-key: rkW0PqT.....zcUBQ==
GET /api/get-issues?code=rkW0PqT.....zcUBQ== HTTP/1.1
Host: {funcapp}.azurewebsites.net
User-Agent: ajax-library-of-the-day