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How copy from csv to postgresql table and ignore columns without header

I have an script in python that basically have this workflow

  1. Receive a csv with header.
  2. Create table on database on PostgreSQL where the fields are the headers of csv.
  3. Copy the data of csv to table created in step2

here a fragment of code of step 3

file_object = open(file_csv)
cur = connection.cursor()
copy_sql = """
   DELIMITER as '""" + delimiter +"'"

cur.copy_expert(sql=copy_sql % table,file = file_object)

This script works ok, but some csv inputs have the last columns without header and the code above fails

File "", line 18, in load_csv_psql

cur.copy_expert(sql=copy_sql % table,file = file_object)

psycopg2.DataError: extra data after last expected column

Is there any way to only select the the columns with headers from csv?

Is there any solution using only PostgreSQL?

Any other suggestion?

Thanks in advance


  • As mention @ABAbhi my best option was clean the csv.

    So to the workflow of my algorithm, I add a step to remove columns without

    1. Receive a csv with the header.
    2. Create a table on the database on PostgreSQL where the fields are the headers of csv.
    3. Remove columns without a header.
    4. Copy the data csv to table created in step2

    And here the code of step 3:

    def remove_empty_colums(input_csv="in.csv", output_csv="out.csv", delimiter=','):
        reader = csv.DictReader(open(input_csv), delimiter=delimiter)
        headers = reader.fieldnames
        writer = csv.DictWriter(open(output_csv, 'wb'),
                                fieldnames=headers, delimiter=delimiter)
        for row in reader:
            row_dict = {}
            for header in headers[:-1]:
                row_dict[header] = row[header]