I am trying to parse a List of Comment objects from here. A comment object is a class in the leankit namespace: LeanKit.API.Client.Library.TransferObjects.Comment
but I get an error in the final line of the block below specifically over responseString
cannot convert from 'System.Collections.Generic.IList' to string
Why am I getting this? I am specifying a custom class I created specifically to deserialize the list:
public class MyCommentList
public string ReplyText { get; set; }
public List<Comment> ReplyData { get; set; }
public string ReplyCode { get; set; }
calling the class
var url = "https://" + acctName + ".leankit.com/kanban/api/card/getcomments/" + boardid + "/" + cardid;
var responseString = await url.WithBasicAuth("xxx", "yyy").GetJsonListAsync();
MyCommentList mycomment = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyCommentList>(responseString);
a cleaner version of calling the class (using Flurl):
var url = "https://" + acctName + ".leankit.com/kanban/api/card/getcomments/" + boardid + "/" + cardid;
MyCommentList mycomment = await url.WithBasicAuth("xxx", "yyy").GetAsync().ReceiveJson<MyCommentList>();
The JSON structure (from the link above) reproduced here:
"ReplyData": [
"Id": 256487698,
"Text": "First comment for this card.",
"TaggedUsers": null,
"PostDate": "10/14/2015 at 04:36:02 PM",
"PostedByGravatarLink": "3ab1249be442027903e1180025340b3f",
"PostedById": 62984826,
"PostedByFullName": "David Neal",
"Editable": true
"ReplyCode": 200,
"ReplyText": "Card comments successfully retrieved."
In the JSON, "ReplyData"
is a 2d jagged array:
"ReplyData": [ [ ... ] ],
In you model it is a 1d list:
public List<Comment> ReplyData { get; set; }.
You need to change it to public List<List<Comment>> ReplyData { get; set; }
to reflect the actual JSON:
public class MyCommentList
public string ReplyText { get; set; }
public List<List<Comment>> ReplyData { get; set; }
public string ReplyCode { get; set; }
Where I assume Comment
is taken from https://github.com/LeanKit/LeanKit.API.Client/blob/master/LeanKit.API.Client.Library/TransferObjects/Comment.cs.
If there is a chance that it is sometimes a 1d array and sometimes a 2d array, you may need to apply SingleOrArrayConverter<Comment>
from this answer to How to handle both a single item and an array for the same property using JSON.net by Brian Rogers like so:
public class MyCommentList
public string ReplyText { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(ItemConverterType = typeof(SingleOrArrayConverter<Comment>))]
public List<List<Comment>> ReplyData { get; set; }
public string ReplyCode { get; set; }
Working sample .Net fiddle here.