I am trying to pass a function in a Reader that is to be called from the same monad as the calling function, but I get an infinite type error.
The simplified code is:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module G2 where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
data Foo m = Foo { bar :: m () }
runFoo :: MonadReader (Foo m) m => m ()
runFoo = do
b <- asks bar
main :: Monad m => m ()
main = do
let bar = return () :: m ()
foo = Foo bar
runReaderT runFoo foo
And the error is:
• Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type:
m0 ~ ReaderT (Foo m0) m
arising from a functional dependency between:
constraint ‘MonadReader
(Foo (ReaderT (Foo m0) m)) (ReaderT (Foo m0) m)’
arising from a use of ‘runFoo’
instance ‘MonadReader r (ReaderT r m1)’ at <no location info>
• In the first argument of ‘runReaderT’, namely ‘runFoo’
In a stmt of a 'do' block: runReaderT runFoo foo
In the expression:
do let bar = ...
foo = Foo bar
runReaderT runFoo foo
• Relevant bindings include main :: m () (bound at G2.hs:16:1)
19 | runReaderT runFoo foo
| ^^
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
runFoo :: MonadReader (Foo m) m => m ()
Let's forget about the class, and just assume that MonadReader env mon
means that mon ~ ((->) env)
. This corresponds to simply using (->)
as our monad instead of the fancier ReaderT
. Then you get m ~ ((->) m) => m ()
. You see that m
needs to contain itself (specifically, the argument to m
is m
). This is OK for values, but it would be quite bad if the typechecker had to deal with infinitely large types. The same is true for ReaderT
(and you need to use ReaderT
because you call runReaderT runFoo
). You need to define another newtype to encode this recursion:
data RecReader c a = RecReader { runRecReader :: c (RecReader c) -> a }
instance Functor (RecReader c) where
fmap f (RecReader r) = RecReader $ f . r
instance Applicative (RecReader c) where
pure = RecReader . const
RecReader f <*> RecReader g = RecReader $ \e -> f e (g e)
instance Monad (RecReader c) where
return = pure
RecReader x >>= f = RecReader $ \e -> runRecReader (f (x e)) e
instance MonadReader (c (RecReader c)) (RecReader c) where
ask = RecReader id
local f (RecReader x) = RecReader $ x . f
And it works:
runRecReader runFoo (Foo $ return ())
-- ==>