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Reverse sort order with Backbone.js

With Backbone.js I've got a collection set up with a comparator function. It's nicely sorting the models, but I'd like to reverse the order.

How can I sort the models in descending order rather than ascending?


  • Well, you can return negative values from comparator. If we take, for example, the example from Backbone's site and want to reverse the order, it will look like this:

    var Chapter  = Backbone.Model;
    var chapters = new Backbone.Collection;
    chapters.comparator = function(chapter) {
      return -chapter.get("page"); // Note the minus!
    chapters.add(new Chapter({page: 9, title: "The End"}));
    chapters.add(new Chapter({page: 5, title: "The Middle"}));
    chapters.add(new Chapter({page: 1, title: "The Beginning"}));