i use many css and javascript in my project which not support Only by IE9 browser,
so i create two verson for all view, First version for IE browser that does not have css and javascript, and second version for other browser that does all css and javascript.
i want if user browser is IE9 (only Version 9) then display firts view else display second View.
you must use Custom DisplayMode in mvc and User-agent in browsers.
any browser have a unique user-agent that internet explorer 9 is "MSIE 9".
if view name is First.cshtml,
create view that is name: First.IE9.cshtml
and in global.asax
protected void Application_Start(){
//other code
DisplayModeProvider.Instance.Modes.Insert(0,new DefaultDisplayMode("IE9")
ContextCondition=context=> context.request.UserAgent.Contains("MSIE 9")