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Multiple bindings and disposal using "Boxing"-style

This is a very specific and long question, but I'm not smart enough to figure it out by myself..

I was very intrigued by this YouTube-video from, which uses the "boxing" method to observe a value.

Their Box looks like this:

class Box<T> {
    typealias Listener = T -> Void
    var listener: Listener?

    var value: T {
        didSet {
    init(_ value: T) {
        self.value = value
    func bind(listener: Listener?) {
        self.listener = listener

It's apparent that only one listener is allowed per "box".

let bindable:Box<String> = Box("Some text")
bindable.bind { (text) in
    //This will only be called once (from initial setup)
bindable.bind { (text) in
    // - because this listener has replaced it. This one will be called when value changes.

Whenever a bind like this is set up, the previous binds would be disposed, because Box replaces the listener with the new listener.

I need to be able to observe the same value from different places. I have reworked the Box like this:

class Box<T> {
    typealias Listener = (T) -> Void
    var listeners:[Listener?] = []

    var value:T{
    init(_ value:T){
        self.value = value
    func bind(listener:Listener?){

However - this is also giving me trouble, obviously.. There are places where I want the new binding to remove the old binding. For example, if I observe a value in an object from a reusable UITableViewCell, it will be bound several times when scrolling. I now need a controlled way to dispose specific bindings.

I attempted to solve this by adding this function to Box:

func freshBind(listener:Listener?){

This worked in a way, I could now use freshBind({}) whenever I wanted to remove the old listeners, but this isn't exactly what I want either. I'd have to use this when observing a value from UITableViewCells, but I also need to observe the same value from elsewhere. As soon as a cell was reused, I removed the old observers as well as the other observers I needed.

I am now confident that I need a way to retain a disposable object wherever I would later want to dispose them.

I'm not smart enough to solve this on my own, so I need help.

I've barely used some of the reactive-programming frameworks out there (like ReactiveCocoa), and I now understand why their subscriptions return Disposable objects which I have to retain and dispose of when I need. I need this functionality.

What I want is this: func bind(listener:Listener?)->Disposable{}

My plan was to create a class named Disposable which contained the (optional) listener, and turn listeners:[Listener?] into listeners:[Disposable], but I ran into problems with <T>..

Cannot convert value of type 'Box<String?>.Disposable' to expected argument type 'Box<Any>.Disposable'

Any smart suggestions?


  • The way I like to solve this problem is to give each observer a unique identifier (like a UUID) and use that to allow the Disposable to remove the observer when it's time. For example:

    import Foundation
    // A Disposable holds a `dispose` closure and calls it when it is released
    class Disposable {
        let dispose: () -> Void
        init(_ dispose: @escaping () -> Void) { self.dispose = dispose }
        deinit { dispose() }
    class Box<T> {
        typealias Listener = (T) -> Void
        // Replace your array with a dictionary mapping
        // I also made the Observer method mandatory. I don't believe it makes
        // sense for it to be optional. I also made it private.
        private var listeners: [UUID: Listener] = [:]
        var value: T {
            didSet {
                listeners.values.forEach { $0(value) }
        init(_ value: T){
            self.value = value
        // Now return a Disposable. You'll get a warning if you fail
        // to retain it (and it will immediately be destroyed)
        func bind(listener: @escaping Listener) -> Disposable {
            // UUID is a nice way to create a unique identifier; that's what it's for
            let identifier = UUID()
            // Keep track of it
            self.listeners[identifier] = listener
            // And create a Disposable to clean it up later. The Disposable
            // doesn't have to know anything about T. 
            // Note that Disposable has a strong referene to the Box
            // This means the Box can't go away until the last observer has been removed
            return Disposable { self.listeners.removeValue(forKey: identifier) }
    let b = Box(10)
    var disposer: Disposable? = b.bind(listener: { x in print(x)})
    b.value = 5
    disposer = nil
    b.value = 1
    // Prints:
    // 10
    // 5
    // (Doesn't print 1)

    This can be nicely expanded to concepts like DisposeBag:

    // Nothing but an array of Disposables.
    class DisposeBag {
        private var disposables: [Disposable] = []
        func append(_ disposable: Disposable) { disposables.append(disposable) }
    extension Disposable {
        func disposed(by bag: DisposeBag) {
    var disposeBag: DisposeBag? = DisposeBag()
    b.bind { x in print("bag: \(x)") }
        .disposed(by: disposeBag!)
    b.value = 100
    disposeBag = nil
    b.value = 500
    // Prints:
    // bag: 1
    // bag: 100
    // (Doesn't print "bag: 500")

    It's nice to build some of these things yourself so you get how they work, but for serious projects this often is not really sufficient. The main problem is that it isn't thread-safe, so if something disposes on a background thread, you may corrupt the entire system. You can of course make it thread-safe, and it's not that difficult.

    But then you realize you really want to compose listeners. You want a listener that watches another listener and transforms it. So you build map. And then you realize you want to filter cases where the value was set to its old value, so you build a "only send me distinct values" and then you realize you want filter to help you there, and then....

    you realize you're rebuilding RxSwift.

    This isn't a reason to avoid writing your own at all, and RxSwift includes a ton of features (probably too many features) that many projects never need, but as you go along you should keep asking yourself "should I just switch to RxSwift now?"