Using R how would I change my table from this:
GeneID GeneName Species Paralogues Domains Total
1234 FGF1 Human 4 2 6
5678 FGF1 Mouse 2 1 3
9104 FGF1 Chicken 3 0 3
To a table that represents the total column e.g.
GeneName Human Mouse Chicken
FGF1 6 3 3
You can use dplyr::spread
to reshape from long to wide:
df %>%
select(GeneName, Species, Total) %>%
spread(Species, Total)
# GeneName Chicken Human Mouse
#1 FGF1 3 6 3
df <- read.table(text =
"GeneID GeneName Species Paralogues Domains Total
1234 FGF1 Human 4 2 6
5678 FGF1 Mouse 2 1 3
9104 FGF1 Chicken 3 0 3", header = T)