I'm currently working with image processing in python using the scikit-image library. I'm trying to make a binary image using sauvola thresholding with the following code:
from PIL import Image
import numpy
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
from skimage.filters import threshold_sauvola
im = Image.open("test.jpg")
pix = numpy.array(im)
img = rgb2gray(pix)
window_size = 25
thresh_sauvola = threshold_sauvola(img, window_size=window_size)
binary_sauvola = img > thresh_sauvola
Which gives the following result:
the output is a numpy array with data type of this image is a bool
[[ True True True ... True True True]
[ True True True ... True True True]
[ True True True ... True True True]
[ True True True ... True True True]
[ True True True ... True True True]
[ True True True ... True True True]]
The problem is that I need to convert this array back to a PIL image using the following line of code:
image = Image.fromarray(binary_sauvola)
which makes the image look like this:
I also tried to change the data type from bool to uint8 but then I'll get the following exception:
AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'mask'
So far I haven't found a solution to get a PIL image which looks like the result of the thresholding.
This bug has now been solved in Pillow==6.2.0. The link to the issue on GitHub is here.
If you cannot update to the new version of Pillow, please see below.
PIL's Image.fromarray
function has a bug with mode '1' images. This Gist demonstrates the bug, and shows a few workarounds. Here are the best two workarounds:
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
# The standard work-around: first convert to greyscale
def img_grey(data):
return Image.fromarray(data * 255, mode='L').convert('1')
# Use .frombytes instead of .fromarray.
# This is >2x faster than img_grey
def img_frombytes(data):
size = data.shape[::-1]
databytes = np.packbits(data, axis=1)
return Image.frombytes(mode='1', size=size, data=databytes)