I want to see the progress of my for loop by repeatedly overwriting the print function. I expected the printed line to be overwritten every time the loop progresses. What happened was that after every loop a new line was printed right under the previous printed line. This was solved by removing the \n from the print line, because the \n caused a new empty line to be overwritten each time, instead of overwriting the first printed line.
import sys
import time
for i in range(x):
sys.stdout.write("\r{} out of {}...\n".format(count1, x))
I am using Python 3.6 (64-bit) in Jupter Notebook 4.3.1. on Windows 10.
I have looked over several issues posted on Stack Overflow, but I haven't been able to solve it yet.
Remove the "\n" that creates a new line.
sys.stdout.write("\r{} out of {}...".format(count1, x))