Imagine I have the following:
sealed trait MyEnum
object MyEnum {
case object Value1 extends MyEnum
case object Value2 extends MyEnum
I could fairly easily write a macro (its a few lines of code using knownDirectSubclasses
) to give me the Set[MyEnum]
of the case object
I'm sure this must have been solved already - perhaps there is something in Shapeless or Cats that will give me this set without me having to write the macro? - Is there?
This can be done with Enumeratum:
import enumeratum._
import scala.collection.immutable
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
sealed trait MyEnum extends EnumEntry
object MyEnum extends Enum[MyEnum] {
case object Value1 extends MyEnum
case object Value2 extends MyEnum
override def values: immutable.IndexedSeq[MyEnum] = findValues
val res: Set[MyEnum] = MyEnum.values.toSet