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What is Ruby 1.9 standard CSV library?

When I try the FasterCSV gem on my application I get this error:

Please switch to Ruby 1.9's standard
CSV library.  It's FasterCSV plus
support for Ruby 1.9's m17n encoding

By the way, I'm using Rails 3, Ruby 1.9.2, and Rubygems 1.4.

Can someone explain to me please how to use the standard CSV library for Ruby 1.9. I don't have any idea at all because I'm very new to Rails.


  • Ruby 1.9 has adopted FasterCSV as its built-in CSV library. However, it's in the standard library rather than Ruby 1.9's core, so you need to manually require it in your application.

    After adding a

    require 'csv'

    to your code, you can then do things such as


    See Ruby 1.9's standard library CSV documentation for information on using the library.