I'm trying to learn some C# and am currently using the internal console for outputs, but when it comes to keyboard inputs, I've read that it can not be done in the internal console on VS 2017 for Mac.
So I try to do it on external console, but all I get is this :
bash -c 'clear; cd "/Users/gb/Projects/reTest/reTest/bin/Debug"; "/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/5.8.1/bin/mono32" --debug --debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,address= "/Users/gb/Projects/reTest/reTest/bin/Debug/reTest.exe" ; echo $? > /var/folders/s_/sljf42_d01bdxlb5s_rwgsj80000gn/T/tmp563f24ea.tmp; echo; read -p "Press any key to continue..." -n1; exit'; exit
I guess the console tries to execute a .exe application which is not possible in this case !
It's a console project by the way... I haven't found any solution for that so far.
After further researches I found out that my bash was kind of corrupted somehow so I modified the .bash_profile file which had some extra inconvenient text..