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Proxy seems to be ignored by Mechanize?

I am using an http proxy and the Mechanize module. I initialize the mechanize object and set the proxy like so: = mechanize.Browser(){"http": proxyAddress})   #proxy address is like

Then I open the site like so:

response ="")

My problem is that mechanize seems to be completely ignoring the proxy. If I debug and inspect the br object, under the proxy handler I can see my proxy settings. However, even if I give a bad proxy Mechanize just goes about its business like I never set a proxy. What gives?

edit: I have also tried:

mechanize.install_opener(mechanize.build_opener(mechanize.ProxyHandler({'http': ""})))
response = mechanize.urlopen("")

And it seems to be ignoring my proxy as well. (I didn't even give it a valid proxy, shouldn't it fail on a URLError?)


  • Figured it out after talking on the email list:

    import mechanize
    browser = mechanize.Browser()
    browser.set_proxies(proxies={"http": ""},
                    proxy_bypass=lambda hostname: False)