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How to check if I am connected to a certain wifi network?

I am completely new to developing android apps. I want to have my app (constantly or maybe every few minutes) check in the background whether I am connected to a certain wifi network. If so, it should call a certain class. Unfortunately, there is not much of a code snippet I could provide as of now. Can any one help me to do this?


  • Just define a method that will determine if the device is currently connected to a specific SSID:

    public boolean isConnectedTo(String ssid, Context context) {
        boolean retVal = false;
        WifiManager wifi = (WifiManager) context.getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
        WifiInfo wifiInfo = wifi.getConnectionInfo();
        if (wifiInfo != null) {
            String currentConnectedSSID = wifiInfo.getSSID();
            if (currentConnectedSSID != null && ssid.equals(currentConnectedSSID)) {
                retVal = true;
        return retVal;

    Then just use the method like this:

    if (isConnectedTo("SOME_SSID", MainActivity.this)) {
        //Call into other class