I am new working with neo4j, I have a node that has a relation of type 'TYPE_OF' with other 2 nodes, when I execute the following query:match(e:Event)-[:TYPE_OF]->(t:Tag) where e.type="ACL.SINGUP" and e.subtype="Birth" return e,t
returns the expected resultresult
however, when I run the same query from graphql I only get one node from the relationship instead of the two. This is the query in graphql: call graphql.query("{Event(type:\"ACL.SINGUP\", subtype:\"Birth\"){_id,data,typeOf {_id,owner,name}}}")
graphql result
is typeOf
collection type in graphql schema def ?
`type Event {
_id: ID,
data: String,
typeOf: [TypeOf]
type TypeOf {
_id: ID,
owner: String,
name: String