Let me start with that I have to use jqgrid-free version 4.5.0 as that is the version loaded into the code branch I am coding for.
I need to pull the selected information from 1 grid so I can then use that info to populate a grid later on.
the below works fine to get all the rows
let _modIds1 = $(pcservicerequest.modifierAuthorizationGridId).getDataIDs();
However, when I run the below, I get a null result for _modIds2
let _modIds2 = $(pcservicerequest.modifierAuthorizationGridId).getGridParam('selarrrow');
Is there another way to get the selected rows in jqgrid-free 4.5.0?
I think you are fetching it wrong. The correct syntax is
$(pcservicerequest.modifierAuthorizationGridId).jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selarrrow');