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How to correctly triangulate a polygon in C++

I'm working on triangulating an object (ultimately, I want to implement a Delaunay triangulation but the triangulation doesn't work even before legalizing edges, so I would like to focus on a simple triangulation first). I'm including the relevant code below. I'm implementing a triangulation method similar to the one described in "Computation Geometry: Algorithms and Application Third Edition" by Mark de Berg, among others. The pseudocode given is below (I'll remove it if need be): Delaunay Pseudocode Note: I modified the pseudo code by creating a bordering triangle instead of using the "lexicographically highest point of P" because I wasn't too sure how to define p-1 and p-2 as the textbook says to define them "symbolically" rather than defining exact units (It's certainly possible that I simply misunderstood what it was trying to say, to be fair). Also, the legalizing isn't part of my code (yet) as that is necessary for the Delaunay Triangulation, but I want to make sure a simple triangulation works as intended.

The issue is that I get some triangulations such as these triangulations where the blue lines are from the original polygon.

Some of these lines don't get added because they are part of the triangles of points p0, p1, and p2 which I don't add in the findSmallest method. Yet, if I add those triangles as well, I get something like this:like this (Note p0, p1, and p2 are beyond the scope of the picture). Some of the lines from the original polygon (this time in green) still aren't added to the triangulation. I'm not sure where I'm going wrong.

I hope the code is clear but I'm going to explain some of the methods/structs just in case:


is a child of the Point struct.

p0, p1, p2

are three points form a bounding triangle around the polygon. I got the idea from this post.

contains(Point p) 

returns true if a point is within the triangle or on one of the edges.

findCommonTriangle(TriPoint *a, TriPoint *b, Triangle *t) 

returns the triangle incident to t along edge ab. (I'm not using Edges to calculate the triangulation so I decided to get the incident triangle this way).

isOnTriangle(Point s)

is called on a Triangle abc, and returns 1 if the point is on edge ab, 2 if the pointis on edge bc, 3 if the point is on edge cd. If it is within the triangle, it returns 0.

The code for the triangulation itself is located below:

    #include <GL\glew.h>
#include <GL\freeglut.h>
#include <iostream>

#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include "predicates.h"

struct Point {
    float x, y;
    Point() { }
    Point(float a, float b) {
        x = a;
        y = b;

struct Triangle;
struct Triangulation;
std::vector<Triangulation *> triangulations;

struct TriPoint : Point {
    std::vector<Triangle *> triangles;
    TriPoint() { };
    int index;
    TriPoint(Point a) {
        x = a.x;
        y = a.y;
    TriPoint(float x, float y) : Point(x, y) {};
    void removeTriangle(Triangle *t) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < triangles.size(); i++) {
            if (triangles[i] == t) {
                triangles.erase(triangles.begin() + i);
    void addTriangle(Triangle *t) {

double pointInLine(Point *a, Point *b, Point *p) {
    REAL *A, *B, *P;
    A = new REAL[2];
    B = new REAL[2];
    P = new REAL[2];
    A[0] = a->x;
    A[1] = a->y;
    B[0] = b->x;
    B[1] = b->y;
    P[0] = p->x;
    P[1] = p->y;
    double orient = orient2d(A, B, P);
    return orient;

struct Triangle {
    TriPoint *a, *b, *c;
    std::vector<Triangle *> children;
    Triangle() { };
    Triangle(TriPoint *x, TriPoint *y, TriPoint *z) {
        a = x;
        b = y;
        c = z;
    bool hasChildren() {
        return children.size() != 0;
    void draw() {
        glVertex2f(a->x, a->y);
        glVertex2f(b->x, b->y);
        glVertex2f(c->x, c->y);
        glVertex2f(a->x, a->y);
    bool contains(Point s) {
        float as_x = s.x - a->x;
        float as_y = s.y - a->y;

        bool s_ab = (b->x - a->x)*as_y - (b->y - a->y)*as_x > 0;
        if ((c->x - a->x)*as_y - (c->y - a->y)*as_x > 0 == s_ab) return false;
        if ((c->x - b->x)*(s.y - b->y) - (c->y - b->y)*(s.x - b->x) > 0 != s_ab) return false;
        return true;
    int isOnTriangle(Point p) {
        //Return -1 if outside
        //Returns 1 if on AB
        //Returns 2 if on BC
        //Returns 3 if on CA
        //Returns 4 if on B
        //Returns 5 if on C
        //Returns 6 if on A
        double res1 = pointInLine(b, a, &p);
        double res2 = pointInLine(c, b, &p);
        double res3 = pointInLine(a, c, &p);

        /*If triangles are counter-clockwise oriented then a point is inside
        the triangle if the three 'res' are < 0, at left of each oriented edge
        if (res1 > 0 || res2 > 0 || res3 > 0)
            return -1; //outside
        if (res1 < 0) {
            if (res2 < 0) {
                if (res3 < 0) {
                    return 0; //inside
                } else { //res3 == 0
                    return 3; //on edge3
            } else { //res2 == 0
                if (res3 == 0) {
                    return 5; //is point shared by edge2 and edge3
                return 2; //on edge2
        } else { //res1 == 0
            if (res2 == 0) {
                return 4; //is point shared by edge1 and edge2
            } else if (res3 == 0) {
                return 6; //is point shared by edge1 and 3
            return 1; //on edge 1

    TriPoint *getThirdPoint(TriPoint *x, TriPoint *y) {
        if (a != x && a != y)
            return a;
        if (b != x && b != y)
            return b;
        return c;
    bool hasPoint(TriPoint *p) {
        return a == p || b == p || c == p;
    void orientTri() {
        REAL *A, *B, *C;
        A = new REAL[2];
        B = new REAL[2];
        C = new REAL[2];
        A[0] = a->x;
        A[1] = a->y;
        B[0] = b->x;
        B[1] = b->y;
        C[0] = c->x;
        C[1] = c->y;
        double orientation = orient2d(A, B, C);
        if (orientation < 0) {
            TriPoint *temp = a;
            a = b;
            b = temp;

struct Poly {
    std::vector<Point> points;
    bool selected = false;

Triangle *findCommonTriangle(TriPoint *a, TriPoint *b, Triangle *t) {
    //Returns a triangle shared by a and b incident to t
    for (Triangle *aTri : a->triangles) {
        for (Triangle *bTri : b->triangles) {
            if (aTri == bTri && aTri != t) {
                return aTri;
    return NULL;

struct Triangulation {
    std::vector<Point> points;
    std::vector<Triangle *> triangles;
    float xMin = 9999;
    float xMax = 0;
    float yMin;
    float yMax;
    Triangulation() { };
    Triangulation(Poly p) {
        points = p.points;
    void draw() {
        for (Triangle *t : triangles) {
    void sort() {
        //Sort by y-value in ascending order.
        //If y-values are equal, sort by x in ascending order.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size() - 1; i++) {
            if (points[i].x < xMin) {
                xMin = points[i].x;
            if (points[i].x > xMax) {
                xMax = points[i].x;
            int index = i;
            for (size_t j = i; j < points.size(); j++) {
                if (points[index].y > points[j].y) {
                    index = j;
                } else if (points[index].y == points[j].y) {
                    if (points[index].x > points[j].x) {
                        index = j;
            std::swap(points[i], points[index]);
        yMin = points[0].y;
        yMax = points[points.size() - 1].y;
        std::random_shuffle(points.begin(), points.end());
    void triangulate() {
        Triangle *root;
        float dx = xMax - xMin;
        float dy = yMax - yMin;
        float deltaMax = std::max(dx, dy);
        float midx = (xMin + xMax) / 2.f;
        float midy = (yMin + yMax) / 2.f;

        TriPoint *p0;
        TriPoint *p1;
        TriPoint *p2;
        p0 = new TriPoint(midx - 2 * deltaMax, midy - deltaMax);
        p1 = new TriPoint(midx, midy + 2 * deltaMax);
        p2 = new TriPoint(midx + 2 * deltaMax, midy - deltaMax);
        p0->index = 0;
        p1->index = -1;
        p2->index = -2;

        root = new Triangle(p0, p1, p2);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
            TriPoint *p = new TriPoint(points[i]);
            p->index = i + 1;
            Triangle *temp = root;
            double in;
            while (temp->hasChildren()) {
                for (size_t j = 0; j < temp->children.size(); j++) {
                    in = temp->children[j]->isOnTriangle(points[i]);
                    if (in >= 0) {
                        temp = temp->children[j];

            in = temp->isOnTriangle(points[i]);
            if (in > 0 ) { //Boundary
                if (in == 1) { //AB
                    Triangle *other = findCommonTriangle(temp->a, temp->b, temp);
                    TriPoint *l = other->getThirdPoint(temp->a, temp->b);
                    Triangle *n1 = new Triangle(temp->a, p, temp->c);
                    Triangle *n2 = new Triangle(temp->b, temp->c, p);
                    Triangle *n3 = new Triangle(temp->a, l, p);
                    Triangle *n4 = new Triangle(temp->b, p, l);

                } else if (in == 2) { //BC
                    Triangle *other = findCommonTriangle(temp->b, temp->c, temp);
                    TriPoint *l = other->getThirdPoint(temp->b, temp->c);
                    Triangle *n1 = new Triangle(temp->a, p, temp->c);
                    Triangle *n2 = new Triangle(temp->b, temp->a, p);
                    Triangle *n3 = new Triangle(temp->c, p, l);
                    Triangle *n4 = new Triangle(temp->b, l, p);

                } else if (in == 3) { //CA
                    Triangle *other = findCommonTriangle(temp->a, temp->c, temp);
                    TriPoint *l = other->getThirdPoint(temp->a, temp->c);

                    Triangle *n1 = new Triangle(temp->b, temp->c, p);
                    Triangle *n2 = new Triangle(temp->a, temp->b, p);
                    Triangle *n3 = new Triangle(temp->c, l, p);
                    Triangle *n4 = new Triangle(temp->a, p, l);

            } else { //Point is inside of triangle
                Triangle *t1 = new Triangle(temp->a, temp->b, p);
                Triangle *t2 = new Triangle(temp->b, temp->c, p);
                Triangle *t3 = new Triangle(temp->c, temp->a, p);


        } //Triangulation done
        findSmallest(root, p0, p1, p2);

    void findSmallest(Triangle *root, TriPoint *p0, TriPoint *p1, TriPoint *p2) {
        bool include = true; //Controls drawing triangles with p0, p1, and p2
        if (root->hasChildren()) {
            for (Triangle *t : root->children) {
                findSmallest(t, p0, p1, p2);
        } else {
            int i0 = root->hasPoint(p0);
            int i1 = root->hasPoint(p1);
            int i2 = root->hasPoint(p2);
            if ((!i0 && !i1 && !i2) || include) {

Poly polygon;

void changeViewPort(int w, int h)
    glViewport(0, 0, w, h);
    glOrtho(0, glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH), 0, glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT), -1, 1);
    glTranslatef(0.375, 0.375, 0.0);

void render() {
    changeViewPort(glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH), glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT));

    glColor3f(0, 0, 1); //Blue
    for (size_t j = 0; j < polygon.points.size(); j++) {
        std::vector<Point> ps = polygon.points;
        Point p1 = ps[j];
        glVertex2i(p1.x, p1.y);
    glVertex2i(polygon.points[0].x, polygon.points[0].y);

    glColor3f(1, 0, 1);
    for (Triangulation *t : triangulations) {


int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    glutInit(&argc, argv);
    glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DEPTH);
    glutInitWindowSize(800, 600);
    glutCreateWindow("Stack Overflow Question");


    polygon.points.push_back(*new Point(300.0f, 300.0f));
    polygon.points.push_back(*new Point(300.0f, 400.0f));
    polygon.points.push_back(*new Point(400.0f, 400.0f));
    polygon.points.push_back(*new Point(400.0f, 300.0f));
    Triangulation t = *(new Triangulation(polygon));

    return 0;

Note: predicates.cpp and predicates.h were created using code from here.


  • Your code is quite sub-optimal, but that doesn't matter now (you're learning, right?. I'll focus on triangulation issues.

    EDITED: You initialize yMin and yMax members of Triangulation at sort() and use them later for the "big enclosing" triangle. If you decide not to use "sort()" you'll use initialized values. Put some defaults on it.

    Sorting the points is not needed for building the triangulation. You use it just to find the BB, too much effort, and at the end shuffle them, again too much effort.

    The main issue (in your first post, before you edited it) I see is the way of finding if a point is inside a triangle, on its boundary, or outside of it.
    Triangle::isOnTriangle() is horrible. You calculate several crossproducts and return '0' (inside triangle) is none of them equals '0'.
    You may argue that you know in advance that the point is not outside because you tested it before by Triangle::contains(), but this function is also horrible, not that much though.

    The best (or at least easiest and most used) way to find the relative position of a point to a line is

    res = (y2 - y1)*(px - x1) - (x2 - x1)*(py - y1)

    res is a positive value if {px,py} is at right of {x1,y1} to {x2,y2} line. Negative if at left and zero if it's on the line.
    Two important things here:

    • a) Swapping the direction (i.e. the line is {x2,y2} to {x1,y1}) changes the sign of res.
    • b) Telling if res is really zero is not easy due to numerical issues, as with any other float-precision representation.

    For a) you must be sure that all of triangles have the same orientation (or the former expression will be used wrongly). You can take extra-care on the order of points you pass to the triangle ctor. Or you can add a "orientTri" function that sets them. Currently your bounding triangle is clockwise-order. The most common order (also used in OpenGL) is counter-clockwise; but you can choose the one you like, just be aware of it.

    For b) the comparison of a float with '0' is not a good idea. In some scenaries you can use if std::abs(value) < someEpsilon. But specially with triangulations that's not enough. Classroom Examples of Robustness Problems in Geometric Computations explains very well why your calculations must be "robust". Shewchuk Robust Predicates is a very good solution.

    Once you have those two subjects solved the problem of "point in triangle" can be handled as this:

    double pointInLine(line *L, point *p)
        //returns positive, negative or exactly zero value
        return robustCalculus(L, p);
    int pointInTriangle(triangle *t, point *p)
        double res1 = pointInLine(t->edge1, p);
        double res2 = pointInLine(t->edge2, p);
        double res3 = pointInLine(t->edge3, p);
        /*If triangles are counter-clockwise oriented then a point is inside
          the triangle if the three 'res' are < 0, at left of each oriented edge
        if ( res1 > 0 || res2 > 0 || res3 > 0 )
            return -1; //outside
        if ( res1 < 0 )
            if ( res2 < 0 )
                if ( res3 < 0 )
                     return 0; //inside
                else //res3 == 0
                     return 3; //on edge3
            else //res2 == 0
            {    if ( res3 == 0 )
                     return 5; //is point shared by edge2 and edge3
                 return 2; //on edge2
           ... test for other edges or points

    For the rest of the process of triangulation some advices:

    Because you want a Delaunay triangulation, every time you add a new point you must check the "inCircle" condition (no other triangle whose circumcircle contains this new point). It can be done as shown in the book or in the links I posted. Again, you need robust predicates.

    Shuffling the order of insertion of the points may improve performance for locating the triangle where the new point lies. This is may be true depending on the method used for the locating part. You use a hierarchy of triangles, so if the data is sorted or not does not affect.
    By the way, maintaining the hierarchy structure for each triangle added/removed/changed is expensive in CPU and RAM. Perhaps you may find another ways later, when you get experience with meshing.

    With no hierarchy, the "walk to point" method (google for it) seems faster with a randomized input. But using a cache (the last triangle built) is far more efficent.

    Good luck with meshing. It's hard to begin with and to debug, the devil lives in the details.