I am looking to make two custom range operators: <..
, <.<
range operator.infix operator <.. : RangeFormationPrecedence
public func <.. (lhs: Int, rhs: Int) -> Range {
return lhs - 1 ... rhs
Note: I also get about an additional 22 compile time errors surrounding the actual declaration of the custom operator (<..
) itself.
for i in 1<..9 {
print(i, terminator: " ")
// Prints "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"
and ..<
infix operator <.< : RangeFormationPrecedence
public func <.< (lhs: Int, rhs: Int) -> Range {
return lhs - 1 ..< rhs
Note: I also get about an additional 22 compile time errors surrounding the actual declaration of the custom operator (<.<
) itself.
for i in 1<.<10 {
print(i, terminator: " ")
// Prints "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"
How can I accomplish this?
Also, what type of Range
should I be returning?
Lastly, are there any preconditions that need to be added to the custom range operators themselves to ensure safety?
I decided to create two operators (1x postfix, 1x infix) to accomplish one of these goals:
postfix operator <
public postfix func < <T: Numeric>(n: T) -> T { return n - 1 }
infix operator .< : RangeFormationPrecedence
public func .< <T: Numeric>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> CountableRange<T> {
return lhs ..< rhs
Then I can do:
for i in 1<.<10 {
print(I, terminator: " ")
//Prints "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"
Caveat: I cannot have a space between the numbers and the operators (i.e. 1 <.< 10
and <.<
are not valid identifiers for operators. You'll find the
details in Operators in the Swift language reference.
Mimicking the declaration of the existing
extension Strideable where Self.Stride : SignedInteger {
public static func ... (minimum: Self, maximum: Self) -> CountableClosedRange<Self>
operator, your first custom operator can be implemented as
infix operator <!! : RangeFormationPrecedence
extension Strideable where Self.Stride : SignedInteger {
public static func <!! (minimum: Self, maximum: Self) -> CountableClosedRange<Self> {
return minimum.advanced(by: -1) ... maximum
for i in 1<!!9 { print(i, terminator: " ") }
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The second operator can be implemented in a similar fashion, using
instead of CountableClosedRange