I am using Angular 5 & material themes, I am trying to space out some sibling form inputs to look like this
The link above advise to use a div like this one:
div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="space-evenly center"
I tried to use this in my app but it doesn't space them out, please check out this stackblitz example for a complete view of the issue
In the npm page of the @angular/flex-layout, it wasn't mentioned that we need to import the module in app.module so I assumed it might be enabled by default in angular like some other core angular modules
However as per this page , we need to import it as follows:
To use the @angular/flex-layout, you have to:
1- install it using npm
npm i @angular/flex-layout --save
2- Import it in the app.module file of the angular app for it to work
Whilst this is basic for most of the modules, I didn't see it in the demo so I forgot it.
In app.module.ts, you have to import it as follows:
import { FlexLayoutModule } from "@angular/flex-layout";
imports: [ BrowserModule, FormsModule, BrowserAnimationsModule, MatFormFieldModule, MatInputModule,
a full stackblitz example is here
I was about to post this question, but then I found out the solution & I thought to share it to help someone else having similar issue