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Running "webdriver-manager start" when rubymine(intellij) starts

I know I have an option to run "Startup tasks" when I start rubymine. I'm working on a Protractor project and I'm trying to start the Selenium( webdriver-manager start) server when I start rubymine, but with no success. I'm trying to run the command through Bash but with no success. I'm attaching a photo to make it clearer.



  • The issue is webdriver-manager is not in the PATH environment variable.

    You can install a protractor as npm global package via executing npm install -g protractor, then add npm prefix into PATH, npm prefix is the installation folder of all npm global package. Then you can use webdriver-manager in cmd window anywhere.

    Keep in mind, the global protractor to supply global webdriver-manager in PATH. Your protractor project should has own local protractor as dependency.