I would really like to include this in my application if anyone has any ideas. Apparently it's not shipped with the ribbon anymore.
<ResourceDictionary Source="/RibbonControlsLibrary;component/Themes/Office2007Blue.xaml" />
That file was included with an older preview of the ribbon library. Since Microsoft no longer distributes the older versions, you would have to find one on the web. Without too much trouble I found an older RibbonControlsLibrary.DLL
included as part of an open source project. To protect that project from liability, I'm not mentioning exactly where I found it. The point is that that file contains Office2007Blue.baml
in its resources that you could extract into XAML with a BAML decompiler. The real problem I forsee is that you would need to find a license that permits you to extract it and to ship it with your application.