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Can I use dom-repeat on slotted content to wrap each slotted child inside some tag?

I'd like to use dom-repeat to wrap a bunch of child nodes in <li> tags. The problem is, the nodes I want to repeat are custom elements themselves, inserted via a slot, and it seems that dom-repeat only takes data passed via attributes.

What I want to do is:

<dom-module id="my-custom-element">
        <dom-repeat items="{{ TOP-LEVEL NODES IN LIST SLOT }}">
            <li>{{ item }}</li>

And using it:

  <ul slot="LIST">


  • I don't think this is the best Polymer way to do it, however it works:

        <ul slot="list">
          <div> hi </div>
          <div> hello </div>
          <div> bye </div>
      <dom-module id="x-foo">
          <h2> The raw slotted items </h2>
          <slot name="list" id="list"></slot>
            <h2> The slotted list items wrapped with 'li' </h2>
          <ul id="styledList"></ul>

    Here is the trick:

     class XFoo extends Polymer.Element {
        static get is() { return 'x-foo'; }
        static get properties() {
          return {
            items: {
              type: Array,
              value: function() {
                return [1, 2, 3, 4]
        connectedCallback() {
          this.$.list.addEventListener('slotchange', (e) => this.bindSlottedItems() );
        bindSlottedItems() {
            let items = this.$.list.assignedNodes({flatten: true})[0].childNodes;
            items = []
            this.$.styledList.innerHTML = items.filter((item) => item.outerHTML).map((item) => {
              return `<li> ${item.outerHTML} </li>`
      customElements.define(, XFoo);