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Newly created .Net Core gives HTTP 400 using Windows Authentication

Following this guide I decided to use Windows Authentication on my Web API project.

Launching the .Net Core Web API/Site I get a HTTP Error 400.

What is the trick to get .Net Core projects running using Windows Authentication?


  • After launching the application you will see in the Output Window:

    XYZ.API.Core> Content root path: C:\XYZ.API.Core> Now listening on: http://localhost:29002
    XYZ.API.Core> Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
    XYZ.API.Core> fail: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.IISIntegration.IISMiddleware[0]
    XYZ.API.Core> 'MS-ASPNETCORE-TOKEN' does not match the expected pairing token 'de80437e-f80d-4f7f-b2b0-60f3bc81e9b0', request rejected.

    So you browse to http://localhost:29002 and get the HTTP 400 Error. The reason is because thats the wrong url for Windows Authenticated.

    Open the Properties > launchSettings.json file and notice the IIS settings and application Url uses a different port:

    {   "iisSettings": {
        "windowsAuthentication": true,
        "anonymousAuthentication": false,
        "iisExpress": {
          "applicationUrl": "http://localhost:55403/",
          "sslPort": 0

    Browsing to the applicationUrl specified in the launchSettings file, eg http://localhost:55403/api/values returns the expected json.