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How could I resolve A generic error occurred in GDI+. in VB.Net?

When image field property in class is set with the image raw format of the same image from my database in picture box, it always throws this exception. In contrast, if the image in the picture box has been updated with one I select from my local PC directory, the update function work fine.

Below is my code:

   With mEmployee
     If Miscellaneous.GetImageName(ofdPhoto).ToLower = "No_Photo.jpg".ToLower Then
        .Image = Nothing
         Dim stream As New MemoryStream
         pbImage.Image.Save(stream, pbImage.Image.RawFormat)
         .Image = stream.GetBuffer()
     End If
  End With
Catch ex As Exception
End Try


  • Now everything has solved. This GDI+ generic error caused by the picture box itself. Actually, When I bound the record with image from the database and update that record without updating the image in the PictureBox, the image field has been set with old byte() data from the box, and that caused the error.

    To solve this, I have declare a byte() type variable to store the temp image byte() data from the database, and when update, if the image has not been changed it will be set with the data from that variable. This is my code that solve everything:

                If Miscellaneous.GetImageName(ofdPhoto).ToLower = "No_Photo.jpg".ToLower Then
                    .Image = Nothing
                    If isImageChanged = True Then
                        Dim stream As New MemoryStream
                        pbImage.Image.Save(stream, pbImage.Image.RawFormat)
                        .Image = stream.GetBuffer()
                        isImageChanged = False
                    ElseIf isRemoveImage = True Then
                        .Image = Nothing
                        isRemoveImage = False
                        .Image = tempImage
                    End If
                End If
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try