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U-SQL project CI build Failed

I am having solution in VS-2017 which contain multiple project. And out of them one is U-SQL project and other is Class Library (For U-SQL Application) project. But getting build error "MSBUILD : error MSB1008: Only one project can be specified."


  • First, please make sure the u-sql project to migrated to support MSBuild.

    Details about the migration, you can refer the blog Continuous integration made easy with MSBuild support for U-SQL (preview).

    Then, use the MSBuild arguments correctly as below:

    /p:USQLSDKPath=$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\path\to\Microsoft.Azure.DataLake.USQL.SDK.1.version\build\runtime /p:USQLTargetType=SyntaxCheck /p:DataRoot=$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\usqlproject

    Such as file structure for multiple projects as below:

    root repo

    Then you should sue the MSbuild arguments:

    /p:USQLSDKPath=$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\UsqlProj\packages\Microsoft.Azure.DataLake.USQL.SDK.1.3.1019-preview\build\runtime /p:USQLTargetType=SyntaxCheck /p:DataRoot=$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\UsqlProj