TL;DL: simplify method<returnType, ListType>(this List<ListType>, ...)
to method<returnType>(this List<anyType>, ...)
for generic Lists
I'm looking to write an extension method that allows me to get the values of all properties "P" within a List of (any type of object)
So far, I got this method to work:
public static T[] selectAll<T, U>(this List<U> list, string property)
List<T> r = new List<T>(); // prepare a list of values of the desired type to be returned
foreach(object o in list)
Type mt = o.GetType(); // what are we actually dealing with here? (List of what?) <-- This should be the same as Type U
IList<PropertyInfo> props = new List<PropertyInfo>(mt.GetProperties()); // Get all properties within that type
foreach(PropertyInfo p in props)
if (p.Name == property) // Are we looking for this property?
r.Add((T)p.GetValue(o, null)); // then add it to the list to be returned
return r.ToArray();
Because you can't simply have an unknown return type, I understand that it's necessary to indicate the return type in the method call, e.g:
List<Control> SomeListOfControls =
string[] s = SomeListOfControls.selectAll<
string, Control>("Text");
But, since the Type of the items within that list is rather irrelevant for this method, I want to eliminate the Type variable from the equation. I wish I could simply call
List<Control> SomeListOfControls =
string[] s = SomeListOfControls.selectAll<string>("Text");
<-- You know damn well what this List consists of >.<
for example.
But I can't think of a way to do this. Even before compiling I can see that
public static T[] selectAll<T>(this List<> list, string property)
is an Unexpected use of an unbound generic name
(meaning List<>
And List<object>
fails to register as an extension for all kinds of List<?extends object>
, so to speak.
How, if at all possible, can I make this work?
PS: It seems like there might be a "native" way (.net or even C# in general) to retrieve a collection of <T> P from a collection that may have properties P of type T - I couldn't figure it out using select
and all... But if there is: I'd be happy to learn about it :)
Looks like you are looking for non-generic version for parameter - either IList
or IEnumerable
would work
public static T[] selectAll<T>(this IList list, string property){