I'm trying to separate string by multiple delimiters and include them in the result. Considering all consecutive non-whitespace characters as individual words. Example: "I'm working on a new super-project wow. Yay!" becomes "!Yay .wow project-super new a on working I'm" My code sofar:
function test(string){
console.log(string.split(/([.'\!'+a-zA-Z]+)/g ).reverse().join(' ') );
var string ="I'm working on a new super-project wow. Yay!"
the output so far is: Yay! wow. project - super new a on working I'm
I'm still getting the wrong result. Any help would be appreciated.
I suggest swapping words with the glued punctuation first (using .replace(/(^|\s)(\w+)([^\w\s]+)(?!\S)/g,"$1$3$2")
) and then match all non-whitespace chunks and join with a space:
function test(string){
console.log(string.replace(/(^|\s)(\w+)([^\w\s]+)(?!\S)/g,"$1$3$2").match(/\S+/g).reverse().join(' ') );
//"!Yay .wow project-super new a on working I'm"
var string ="I'm working on a new super-project wow. Yay!"
The word-punctuation swapping regex details:
- Group 1: start of string or whitespace(\w+)
- Group 2: one or more word chars([^\w\s]+)
- Group 3: any 1+ words other than word and whitespace chars(?!\S)
- no non-whitespace char is allowed immediately to the right of the current location. Together with (^|\s)
, these subpatterns form whitespace word boundaries.