We have a bunch of value returning functions:
Foo function_1(){
Foo f;
// ...
return f;
Bar function_2(){
Bar b;
// ...
return b;
Baz function_3(){
Baz b;
// ...
return b;
I'm using them to create instantiations of local variables:
void example(){
const auto foo = function_1();
const auto bar = function_2();
const auto baz = function_3();
However, my teammates keep asking me to convert all my instantiations to use &
void example(){
const auto& foo = function_1();
const auto& bar = function_2();
const auto& baz = function_3();
The rationale for doing this seems to match the following question:
Why not always assign return values to const reference?
I understand that auto& x =
and auto x =
are asking for two different things, and the behavior might be different based on the implementation of the function.
That being said, I'm looking for clarification about the differences (if any) when choosing to do this on value returning functions? Is the behavior guaranteed to be the same?
If its a value returning function how do I decide between const auto&
vs const auto
? (presumably the const doesn't matter here?). I couldn't find any advice about this in the C++ Core Guidelines. I'm hoping its not an opinioned question.
Your colleague is trying to do the compiler's job instead of trusting it, and is potentially pessimizing as a result. NRVO is very well supported, and if the functions are written with value semantics, NRVO can elide multiple copies. Binding to a reference will prevent that, since a reference variable will not satisfy the conditions for this optimization. A simple test to demonstrate:
#include <iostream>
struct Test {
Test() { std::cout << "Created\n"; }
Test(const Test&) { std::cout << "Copied\n"; }
Test foo() {
Test t;
return t;
Test bar_good() {
const auto t = foo();
return t;
Test bar_bad() {
const auto& t = foo();
return t;
int main() {
const auto good = bar_good(); (void)good;
std::cout << "===========\n";
const auto& bad = bar_bad(); (void)bad;
Which gives the output:
One object total when utilizing value semantics, but a redundant copy when using references. Depending on how expansive the copy (or even move) is, you could see a noticeable performance difference.