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Flickr AS3: Loading in a photo

I've been able to figure out how to call the Flickr API with the Adobe Lib and get a response... I can get the description, id, etc. But now I'm trying to figure out how to load in the actual photo and add it to the stage.

function loadStartingPhoto():void
    service.addEventListener(FlickrResultEvent.PHOTOS_GET_INFO, handlePhotoGetInfo);
    var photo:Photos = new Photos(service);
    photo.getInfo("PHOTOID", "SECRET");

function handlePhotoGetInfo(e:FlickrResultEvent):void
    if (e.success)
        var photo:Photo = new Photo();
        photo =;

I'm starting to think that in order to pull in the actual photo, I need to get it by way of a URLRequest. But that's not how any of the other tutorials are doing it... or maybe they are...

I'm missing some part... can someone help me out?


  • I spent like 30 minutes with Adobe's official Flickr API and threw it away. From the glimpse I got, I would dare to say its the most unusable library I've ever touched. I strongly recommend you to use the REST API through simple URLRequests using this great documentation:

    As for your question, you need to put together the image URL using the info sent in every photo node, as explained here: Photo Source URLs
