I'm trying to create a number of AWS Elastic IPs based on the number in a variable - up to here it's all good. BUT I need to check if this EIP already exists in a set of variables I have loaded from a file. If the EIP exists I want to skip its creation, for example:
- set_fact: "number_of_ips=3
- name: load the local config file
include_vars: profiles/{{ ec2_tag_environment }}/file_with_variables
- name: allocate a new elastic IP for server {{ item }} if not exists already
profile: "{{ boto_profile }}"
region: "{{ ec2_region }}"
state: present
register: reg_eip_server_{{ item }}
when: server_eip_{{ item }} is not defined
with_sequence: start=1 end={{ number_of_ips}}
(please don't mind the indention - it works but might be a copy/paste issue here)
On the "when" line I get a warning and of course it fails if i try to use reg_eip_server_1.public_ip
since it doesn't exists
Here are the questions:
I managed to figure it out. Using the items themselves, the warning is only a warning but it actually works so if the variable from the file do exists it will ignore the instance of the loop and move on. So: 1. Yes, possible. 2. take the public IP from the item of the results (using the results item number as an index). 3. the warning still works although the warning itself.