I am trying to return a token to my user after they have been successfully logged in but keep getting the following error:
TypeError: Object of type 'bytes' is not JSON serializable
How can I fix it? This is my code so far:
if user:
selected_user = {
'email': user.__dict__['email'],
'password': user.__dict__['password'],
'account_type': user.__dict__['account_type'],
'token': ''
if bcrypt.checkpw(request.data['password'].encode('utf8'), selected_user['password'].encode('utf8')):
payload = {
'email': selected_user.email,
'account_type': selected_user.account_type
selected_user['token'] = jwt.encode(payload, "SECRET_KEY")
response_details = {
'data': selected_user,
'message': 'Login successful.',
'code': '200',
'status': HTTP_200_OK
return Response(response_details, status=response_details['status'])
response_details = {
'message': "Invalid password.",
'code': "400",
'status': HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
return Response(response_details, status=response_details['status'])
response_details = {
'message': "Invalid email and password combination.",
'code': "400",
'status': HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
return Response(response_details, status=response_details['status'])
Try importing json, and on your return use json.dumps(response_details):
return Response(json.dumps(response_details), status=response_details['status'])