I am trying to verify whether a binary tree is a red-black one. Some properties I need to check is that:
Somehow, my test cases are all passed but I am sure I did not implement the number 4 above.
How can I check whether any depth from root till Empty
(the end) has the same number of black nodes?
I define my tree to be :
type 'a tree = Empty | T of color * 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree
My code simply matches the current tree with some bad cases and return false. Otherwise, call the recursive function on the left and right branches.
let rec good_RB t = match t with
| Empty -> true
| T (R, T (R, _, _, _), _, _)
| T (R , _, _, T (R, _, _, _)
-> false
| T (_, lft, _, rgt) -> good_RB lft && good_RB rgt
Well, you need to keep a counter :
let rec nb_blacks_lftmst acc = function
| Empty -> acc
| T (c, lft, _, _) ->
nb_blacks_lftmst (match c with R -> acc | B -> acc + 1) lft
let good_count = function
| Empty -> true
| T (_, lft, _, rgt) ->
let cpt = nb_blacks_lftmst 0 lft in
let rec aux acc = function
| Empty -> acc = cpt
| T (c, lft, _, rgt) ->
let acc = match c with R -> acc | B -> acc + 1 in
aux acc lft && aux acc rgt
aux 0 lft && aux 0 rgt
Something like this should work. (in my answer, the leftmost path is visited twice, first time to get the witness counter, second times because I don't want to write a complicated code to not visit it a second time)