I'm looking to create a loop such that I run two macros for each dataset
%Let Classification = Data1 data2 data3 data4;
%let index = 1;
%do %until (%Scan(&Classification,&index," ")=);
%let index = %eval(&Index + 1);
The problem is my macros are not pre-loaded and are stored in a macro library, is it possible to do this if I run the above as a macro?
Any advice is appreciate in making this loop of macros work
In my ideal situation the loop would run like a macro
where inside it would look like
%Macro Macro;
%let index = 1;
%do %until (%scan(&classification,&index," ")=);
<Lines of Code>
%let index = %eval(&Index + 1);
Another problem is my macros enclosed in the loop use the &classification to differentiate between data1, data2, data3, data4 as we process through the different lines of code.
It is probably easier to just iterate over the index. Use the countw()
function to find how many iterations to do.
%macro loop(list);
%local index next ;
%do index=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&list,%str( )));
%let next=%scan(&list,&index,%str( ));
... code to process &NEXT ...
%mend ;
Then pass in the list to the macro as the parameter value.
%Let Classification = Data1 data2 data3 data4;