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Looping a set of Macros

I'm looking to create a loop such that I run two macros for each dataset

%Let Classification  = Data1 data2 data3 data4; 

%let index  = 1;

%do %until (%Scan(&Classification,&index," ")=);



%let index  = %eval(&Index  + 1);

The problem is my macros are not pre-loaded and are stored in a macro library, is it possible to do this if I run the above as a macro?

Any advice is appreciate in making this loop of macros work


In my ideal situation the loop would run like a macro


where inside it would look like

%Macro Macro;

%let index = 1;

%do %until (%scan(&classification,&index," ")=);

<Lines of Code>


%let index = %eval(&Index + 1);



Another problem is my macros enclosed in the loop use the &classification to differentiate between data1, data2, data3, data4 as we process through the different lines of code.


  • It is probably easier to just iterate over the index. Use the countw() function to find how many iterations to do.

    %macro loop(list);
    %local index next ;
    %do index=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&list,%str( )));
      %let next=%scan(&list,&index,%str( ));
      ... code to process &NEXT ...
    %mend ;

    Then pass in the list to the macro as the parameter value.

    %Let Classification  = Data1 data2 data3 data4; 