Can I play video stream with format .ism/manifest on AppleTV?
I use AVFoundation and AVQueuePlayer. I keep my player in ViewController scope, not in function scope. I've tried to add "(format=m3u8-aapl,audio-only=false)" in the end of url but video has lags after starts. So my code is:
let url = ",audio-only=false)"
let playerItem = AVPlayerItem(url: url)
player.insert(playerItem, after: nil)
I've read that for iOS exists AVAssetDownloadURLSession but for TvOS don't. Maybe exist other solution for streaming on TvOS?
Looks like you are using Azure Media Services for that stream. Using the format parameter will return a m3u8 manifest, which is generally playable on tvOS, iOS and macOS - provided the codec is correct.
However, you manifest only has a single quality of approx 5 mbit/s. Best practice is to have lower qualities available also. So you might run into buffering issues (if that is what you mean by "has lags after start").
Apple has a set of Best Practices available regarding video streams.