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calling rnorm with a matrix of means and a matrix of standard deviations

I have two matrices of dimension n*p, one containing means and one containing sds.

I want to do something like rnorm(1, means, sds) and get a new matrix n*p so that each cell results from rnorm(1, means[i,j], sds[i,j]).

How do I do this without looping?

I looked at functions from the apply family, sweep and outer, but despite the solution probably being a simple one-liner, I can't figure it out.



  • The function rnorm() can take a vector in the parameter mean= and a vector in the parameter sd= as you want:

    matrix(rnorm(length(means), mean=means, sd=sds), nrow(means))

    If you already have a matrix m with the right dimensions then you can do:

    m[] <- rnorm(length(means), mean=means, sd=sds)

    (thx to @BenBolker for the comment)