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How to save data in CosmosOS?

I'm working on a Cosmos operatingsystem, and I'm wondering if there is some way to write a file with information in it? I'm trying to make CosmosOS remind the username and the password.

PS. I also wan't it to be able to read the file.


  • Currently only FAT is supported, so you need at least one FAT partition. In your BeforeRun method, you need to initialize the VFS, like this:

    var fs = new Sys.FileSystem.CosmosVFS();

    Then you can use the System.IO APIs to read and write files. The root path for the first partition is 0:\.


    public override void BeforeRun()
        var fs = new Sys.FileSystem.CosmosVFS();
    public override void Run()
        var usersFile = @"0:\users.dat";
        if (!File.Exists(usersFile))
        // now you can read or write to the file
        // example read methods: File.ReadAllText, File.ReadAllLines, File.ReadAllBytes
        // example write methods: File.WriteAllText, File.WriteAllLines, File.WriteAllBytes