I write simple Asp.Net Core WebAPI 2.0 application, it works on my local machine. But i want to deploy it to server. So, i do it.
My system:
Ubuntu 16.04.
Asp.Net WebAPI 2.0 (and dotnet version 2.1.105)
But, when app starts it writes:
Now listening on:http://localhost:53115
When i try to get values from it:
And i can not get response. In Postman:
Could not get any response
There was an error connecting to
Why this might have happened:
The server couldn't send a response:
Ensure that the backend is working properly
Self-signed SSL certificates are being blocked:
Fix this by turning off 'SSL certificate verification' in Settings > General
Proxy configured incorrectly
Ensure that proxy is configured correctly in Settings > Proxy
Request timeout:
Change request timeout in Settings > General
What i should do? Can you tell me how to fix that?
I do not know where to start looking for.
Thank you!
I'm using .NETCore 2.1 prev, so I haven't been able to test it myself but if I believe that https://www.billbogaiv.com/posts/setting-aspnet-host-address-in-net-core-2, adding .UseUrls(urls: "http://*:5000")
might be instructing Kestrel to listen to port 5000 and not only on localhost, so it should work also on a remote server.
Other possible solution, UseKestrel(..)
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/servers/kestrel?view=aspnetcore-2.1&tabs=aspnetcore2x using IPAddress.Any
instead of Loopback