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Multi-dimensional array formatted to console grid/columns

Using Text::Table or Text::ANSITable, or something similar...

If I have a two-dimensional array (which represents a grid of data), where the first row can be the column headers, how can I apply that data and format it into a command line grid with columns.

Something like this: PERL : How to create table from an array?

Except that the number of rows and columns is variable depending on the array setup and needs to automatically output as such.



  • You can use Text::Table to accomplish this, as it handles variable numbers of rows and columns. Although the documentation leaves a lot to be desired, you can usually look to the test files or examples to show you how the library should actually get used. I've adapted to illustrate this:

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use utf8;
    use Text::Table;
    binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
    my ($rows, $cols) = @ARGV;
    $rows ||= 5;
    $cols ||= 7;
    my @cols = map { "column " . $_} ( 1..$cols );
    my $sep = \'│';
    my $major_sep = \'║';
    my $tb = Text::Table->new($sep,  " Number ", $major_sep,
                              (map { +(" $_ ", $sep) } @cols)
    my $num_cols = @cols;
    for my $row (1..$rows) {
        $tb->load([ "row $row", map { "r$row,c$_" } ( 1..$cols ) ]);
    my $make_rule = sub {
        my ($args) = @_;
        my $left = $args->{left};
        my $right = $args->{right};
        my $main_left = $args->{main_left};
        my $middle = $args->{middle};
        return $tb->rule(
            sub {
                my ($index, $len) = @_;
                return ('─' x $len);
            sub {
                my ($index, $len) = @_;
                my $char =
                    (     ($index == 0) ? $left
                          : ($index == 1) ? $main_left
                          : ($index == $num_cols+1) ? $right
                          : $middle
                return $char x $len;
    my $start_rule = $make_rule->(
            left => '┌',
            main_left => '╥',
            right => '┐',
            middle => '┬',
    my $mid_rule = $make_rule->(
            left => '├',
            main_left => '╫',
            right => '┤',
            middle => '┼',
    my $end_rule = $make_rule->(
            left => '└',
            main_left => '╨',
            right => '┘',
            middle => '┴',
    print $start_rule, $tb->title,
        (map { $mid_rule, $_, } $tb->body()), $end_rule;


    perl 3 5
    │ Number ║ column 1 │ column 2 │ column 3 │ column 4 │ column 5 │
    │row 1   ║r1,c1     │r1,c2     │r1,c3     │r1,c4     │r1,c5     │
    │row 2   ║r2,c1     │r2,c2     │r2,c3     │r2,c4     │r2,c5     │
    │row 3   ║r3,c1     │r3,c2     │r3,c3     │r3,c4     │r3,c5     │