I've a GWT app that I need to put FormPanel to wrap a textbox (TextBox). (to solve some styling issue)
The style issue is that: we are using some pre-build style sheet which put styles by HTML tag names .. so we need to put a form
tag to wrap some components in order to be able to read the styles!
the problem is, on the KeyPress event, I notice there is a loading in the page appears. although the result returns ajaxaly as if there's no client-server trip happened.
The question is, How to remove this trip to server?
NOTE: i am just wrapping the componenets into the formpanel, I've not set any properties of it:
FormPanel formPanel = new FormPanel();
CaptionPanel captionPanel = new CaptionPanel();
From your question, it isn't clear that what is causing the trip to the server. But if it is the FormPanel that's causing this, I would change the instantiation of the FormPanel to the following:
FormPanel formPanel = new FormPanel() {
public boolean onFormSubmit() { return false; }
This should be the equivalent of the following html, which will keep the form from submitting:
<form onsubmit="return false">
If this doesn't fix it, you'll need to do some more debugging to see where the server is being called. The Tamper Data plug-in for Firefox might be of help for this.