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nodejs unit test error "sinon.restore is not a function"

Hey there I am trying to write unit tests by using sinon ,however, I am not able to reset sinon changing behaviour of my stub. First I was having

TypeError: Attempted to wrap getLastData which is already wrapped

After some research I got that I need to reset sinon but I am getting this sinon.restore is not a function error. Additionally, QueryHelper.getLastData() just returns a promise which resolves by returning an entity like lastData

var assert = require('assert');
var sinon = require('sinon');
var proxyquire = require('proxyquire');
var ExchangeHandlerFactory = require('../handler.js');
var QueryHelper = require('../query-helper.js');

describe('BinanceHandler', function() {
    var binanceHandler;
    var config;

    before(function() {
        config = {
            exchange: 'binance',
            interval: '1h'
        var ExchangeHandlerFactoryObj = proxyquire('../handler.js', 
                                            {"./config.js": config,
                                                "./query-helper.js": QueryHelper});
        binanceHandler = ExchangeHandlerFactoryObj.getExchangeHandler('binance', '1h')

    afterEach(() => {

    describe('#buildGetMarketTickerUrl()', function() {
        it('binance handler should return correct buildGetMarketTickerUrl', async function() {
            var lastData = {
                            symbol: "BTC-VTC",
                            interval: "1h",
                            exchange: "binance",
                            dataSet: [
                                    "o" : 0.0006882,
                                    "h" : 0.00071,
                                    "l" : 0.0006882,
                                    "c" : 0.0007008,
                                    "bv" : 63.27676876,
                                    "t" : 1524963600000
            sinon.stub(QueryHelper, "getLastData")
                .withArgs({exchange: "binance", interval: "1h", symbol: "BTC-VTC"})
            var marketUrl = await binanceHandler.buildGetMarketTickerUrl("VTC");

NOTE: I also tried QueryHelper.getLastData.restore() in afterEach() block. But then I am getting QueryHelper.getLastData.restore is not a function error.

Thanks a lot for your help.


  • I resolved this by first creating stub of QueryHelper in beforeEach() hook. Here is the fix I did.

    beforeEach(function() {
        queryHelperStub = sinon.stub(QueryHelper, "getLastData");
    afterEach(() => {
    describe('#buildGetMarketTickerUrl()', function() {
        it('binance handler should return correct buildGetMarketTickerUrl', async function() {
            var lastData = {
                            symbol: "BTC-VTC",
                            interval: "1h",
                            exchange: "binance",
                            dataSet: [
                                    "o" : 0.0006882,
                                    "h" : 0.00071,
                                    "l" : 0.0006882,
                                    "c" : 0.0007008,
                                    "bv" : 63.27676876,
                                    "t" : 1524963600000
            queryHelperStub.withArgs({exchange: "binance", interval: "1h", symbol: "BTC-VTC"})
            var marketUrl = await binanceHandler.buildGetMarketTickerUrl("VTC");
    describe('#buildGetMarketTickerUrl()', function() {
        it('binance handler should return correct buildGetMarketTickerUrl with startTime and endTime params', async function() {
            queryHelperStub.withArgs({exchange: "binance", interval: "1h", symbol: "BTC-VTC"})
            var marketUrl = await binanceHandler.buildGetMarketTickerUrl("VTC");