I am trying to print out contents from boundingbox, the problem is, if a image has two faces or more, the job will return two or more boundingboxs, so how am i going to print it out?
I tried to write a loop to read str 'BoundingBox' and print, but it only returns first boundingbox for twice. Can anyone please give me some ideas? thank you
for bBox in response:
print('found face at...')
bBox = response['FaceDetails'][i]['BoundingBox']
print("BoundingBox: ({}%)".format(bBox['Width']))
print("BoundingBox: ({}%)".format(bBox['Height']))
print("BoundingBox: ({}%)".format(bBox['Left']))
print("BoundingBox: ({}%)".format(bBox['Top']))
The format is:
{'FaceDetails': [
{'Width': 0.49861112236976624, 'Height': 0.2796874940395355, 'Left': 0.43611112236976624, 'Top': 0.27656251192092896},
'Landmarks': [
{'Type': 'eyeLeft', 'X': 0.6100848913192749, 'Y': 0.394705593585968},
{'Type': 'eyeRight', 'X': 0.7668542861938477, 'Y': 0.4047696590423584},
{'Type': 'nose', 'X': 0.6669187545776367, 'Y': 0.45966070890426636},
{'Type': 'mouthLeft', 'X': 0.5887312293052673, 'Y': 0.4715222418308258},
{'Type': 'mouthRight', 'X': 0.7437177896499634, 'Y': 0.4851195216178894}
{'Roll': 6.393648624420166, 'Yaw': -2.539684772491455, 'Pitch': -15.155187606811523},
{'Brightness': 48.02949905395508, 'Sharpness': 99.99090576171875},
'Confidence': 99.99468994140625},
{'Width': 0.3791666626930237, 'Height': 0.21328124403953552, 'Left': 0.12638889253139496, 'Top': 0.29765623807907104},
'Landmarks': [
{'Type': 'eyeLeft', 'X': 0.26656731963157654, 'Y': 0.3757162392139435},
{'Type': 'eyeRight', 'X': 0.4015311002731323, 'Y': 0.39424583315849304},
{'Type': 'nose', 'X': 0.31936877965927124, 'Y': 0.4345789849758148},
{'Type': 'mouthLeft', 'X': 0.2394552081823349, 'Y': 0.4479488432407379},
{'Type': 'mouthRight', 'X': 0.3651302456855774, 'Y': 0.4635950028896332}
{'Roll': 13.218778610229492, 'Yaw': 5.575412273406982, 'Pitch': -11.283287048339844},
{'Brightness': 50.93876647949219, 'Sharpness': 99.98487854003906},
'Confidence': 99.99580383300781}
'RequestId': '24170e12-4c08-11e8-92d8-4be404513e1e',
'HTTPStatusCode': 200,
'content-type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.1',
'date': 'Sun, 29 Apr 2018 23:50:48 GMT',
'x-amzn-requestid': '24170e12-4c08-11e8-92d8-4be404513e1e',
'content-length': '1340', 'connection': 'keep-alive'
'RetryAttempts': 0
Here is what it returns:
found face at...
BoundingBox: (0.49861112236976624%)
BoundingBox: (0.2796874940395355%)
BoundingBox: (0.43611112236976624%)
BoundingBox: (0.27656251192092896%)
found face at...
BoundingBox: (0.49861112236976624%)
BoundingBox: (0.2796874940395355%)
BoundingBox: (0.43611112236976624%)
BoundingBox: (0.27656251192092896%)
for face in response['FaceDetails']:
print ('Face found at...')
box = face['BoundingBox']
for key,value in box.items():
print key, value
Face found at...
Width 0.49861112237
Top 0.276562511921
Left 0.43611112237
Height 0.27968749404
Face found at...
Width 0.379166662693
Top 0.297656238079
Left 0.126388892531
Height 0.21328124404