I'm having some issues with setting a default value in a Oracle database.
I want to set the default value for my region to NW: region CHAR(2) DEFAULT ('NW'),
I also have a reference check to make sure all values in region are 2 characters:
CONSTRAINT check_region CHECK (region IN ('N', 'NW', 'NE', 'S', 'SE', 'SW', 'W', 'E')));
However, I'm getting this error when I'm inserting data which does not fit my constraint. I have a row of data which has 'NULL'
for a value so it should not be inserted ... but it should default to the default value of NW ... right?
Error starting at line : 16 in command -
INSERT into acctmanager
(amid, amfirst, amlast, amedate, amsal, amcomm, region) VALUES ('L500','MANDY','LOPEZ','01-OCT-09', 47000, 1500, 'NULL')
Error report -
ORA-02290: check constraint (SYS.CHECK_REGION) violated
I understand the error should pop up ... but should the value not default to what I have defined in my schema for region
? I've tried looking here but I'm still getting the error with inserting.
Any suggestions?
Here is my entire create table statement:
CREATE TABLE acctmanager
(amid CHAR(4),
amfirst VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL,
amlast VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL,
amsal NUMBER(8,2),
amcomm NUMBER(7,2),
region CHAR(4) DEFAULT ('NW'),
CONSTRAINT PK_acctmanager PRIMARY KEY (amid),
CONSTRAINT check_region CHECK (region IN ('N', 'NW', 'NE', 'S', 'SE', 'SW', 'W', 'E')));
INSERT into acctmanager
(amid, amfirst, amlast, amedate, amsal, amcomm, region) VALUES ('T500','NICK','TAYLOR','05-SEP-09', 42000, 3500, 'NE');
INSERT into acctmanager
(amid, amfirst, amlast, amedate, amsal, amcomm, region) VALUES ('L500','MANDY','LOPEZ','01-OCT-09', 47000, 1500, 'NULL');
INSERT into acctmanager
(amid, amfirst, amlast, amedate, amsal, amcomm, region) VALUES ('J500','SAMMIE','JONES','DEFAULT' , 39500, 2000, 'NW');
VALUES ('L500','MANDY','LOPEZ','01-OCT-09', 47000, 1500, 'NULL')
Not 'NULL'
, but NULL
(without single quotes).
Here's an example of a trigger:
SQL> create table test
2 (id number,
3 region varchar2(2) default 'NW'
4 );
Table created.
SQL> create or replace trigger trg_biu_test
2 before insert or update on test
3 for each row
4 begin
5 if :new.region not in ('N', 'NW', 'NE') then
6 :new.region := 'NW';
7 end if;
8 end;
9 /
Trigger created.
Testing: if the REGION name is longer than VARCHAR2 (as that's how the column is declared, insert will fail regardless the trigger):
SQL> insert into test (id, region) values (1, 'what?');
insert into test (id, region) values (1, 'what?')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-12899: value too large for column "SCOTT"."TEST"."REGION" (actual: 5, maximum: 2)
A shorter (up to 2 characters) will be OK:
SQL> insert into test (id, region) values (1, 'xx');
1 row created.
Inserting NULL into region will, actually, insert the default value:
SQL> insert into test (id) values (2);
1 row created.
SQL> select * From test;
---------- --
1 NW
2 NW
Yet another option is to use the DEFAULT keyword, such as
SQL> insert into test (id, region) values (3, default);
1 row created.
SQL> select * From test where id = 3;
---------- --
3 NW
Thanks to Wernfried for the comment.