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Github Pages does not work properly with cyrillic custom domain

So, I am trying to setup custom domain on github pages and my domain contains cyrillic letters, and I can't add custom domain:

enter image description here

But with english letters all ok:

enter image description here


  • You need to follow the IDNA convention:

    To prevent non-international domain names containing hyphens from being accidentally interpreted as Punycode, international domain name Punycode sequences have a so-called ASCII Compatible Encoding (ACE) prefix, "xn--", prepended.[2] Thus the domain name "bücher.tld" would be represented in ASCII as "xn--bcher-kva.tld".

    Using python you could try encode('idna') to find what characters to use, for example:

    $ python
    >>> x = u'bücher.tld'
    >>> x.encode('idna')
    >>> x.encode('idna').decode('idna')