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gnuplot - How to rescale xaxis but using the same dataset

I have the following CSV data:


And the following gnuplot command:

set terminal x11
set xrange [-10:10]
set auto y
set datafile separator ","
set xtics 1
plot 'histogram1min.csv'  using 1:2 title columnheader with boxes
pause mouse

This creates an histogram with x axis with values from -10 to +10 in steps of 1.

I would like to change xaxis so -10 is presented -0.0010, -9 is presented as -0.0009 etc. -i.e. instead of using -10 to +10 we scale xaxis dividing by 1000 but using the same dataset-.

So, just to further clarify, data point -0.001 will have value 7352.


  • When using column 1, just do the division there. You will have to get rid of the set xrange and set xtics lines or adjust those values.

    plot 'histogram1min.csv'  using ($1/1000):2 title columnheader with boxes