How does one choose the seed for the noise module in python?
I have this bit of code:
from noise import snoise2
And it does create proper noise; however, i am unable to change the seed. I have been searching for hours and have yet to find a solution. Thanks!
Simplier example of the function:
from noise inport snoise2
I found a solution separate of I used this script I found on github:
This also does not have a seed function, BUT, it has an unbias function so that far out coordinates still have proper noise. I used a 3 dimensional noise function where the 3rd dimension value is essentially the seed. Code shown here:
#generate world seed
worldSeed = random.randint(0, 100000000)
#generate noise objects. I hate this but im ghettoing it so that the 3rd dimension value is essentially the seed, I hate this but it works
elevationNoise = noise.PerlinNoiseFactory(dimension=3, octaves=1, unbias=True)
and it being applied to a value:
there is no seed parameter so to say, however there is a base parameter which you can modify which specifies an offset for the noise coordinates. For example:
import random
from noise import snoise2
seed = random.random()
print snoise2(10, 10, base=seed)
where base requires a float
so for your first example you should just be able to add base=seed to your snoise2(..):
terrainTiles[varX][varY].set_elevation(snoise2(x=varX/20,y=varY/20,octaves=1, base=seed))