I have an app built in Angular 5 using Firebase's Real Time Database. My form is using ngModel and has a user id field and a custom username field. I need the username to have a default value of the user id unless the user chooses to change it.
<label class="label-control" for="idInput">User Name</label>
<input id="userId" type="text" for="idInput" class="form-control"
required minlength="1" name="userId"
placeholder="e.g. johnhancock1776"
<label class="label-control" for="vanityInput">Your Custom URL</label>
<input id="vanityId" type="text"
placeholder="custom url" />
When the user puts In their user id the vanity id field populates but won't send data to the database unless they add or delete something from the vanity field.
I tried adding:
[ngModelOptions]="{updateOn: 'submit'}"
to the vanity field witch lets it send an empty string if neither field is touched, but won't send anything when only the user id is changed.
you could use a (ngModelChange)
event to change the value of userData.vanityId
instead of value="{{userData.userId}}"
because you only change the view and not userData.vanityId value.
<label class="label-control" for="idInput">User Name</label>
<input id="userId" type="text" for="idInput" class="form-control"
required minlength="1" name="userId"
placeholder="e.g. johnhancock1776"
<label class="label-control" for="vanityInput">Your Custom URL</label>
<input id="vanityId" type="text"
placeholder="custom url" />
<button (click)="sendBackend()">Send</button>
I added a button to print the userData value to verify that print the correct value.
* Print in console
sendBackend() {
* Change value of vanityId
changeVanityId(event) {
this.userData.vanityId = event
I implement this here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-sadk7e