So I'm a new convert to Bluebird from angular and I'm trying to build unit tests for code that uses Bluebird promises. The code I want to test looks like this:
user {
handleAuth(token) {
login(username, password, saveUsername) {
return lib.login(username, password).then(this.handleAuth.bind(this));
I've mocked out lib.login which returns a promise to instead return a resolved value like this
But the handler is not executed in the space of the unit test. In the Angular world, I would need to tell the $timeout service to flush and all the resolved promises would execute their chained methods. What's the equivalent in Bluebird?
You would Promise.setScheduler
to control the scheduling:
const queue = new class CallbackQueue {
constructor() { this._queue = []; }
flush() { this._queue.forEach(fn => fn()); }
push(fn) { this._queue.push(fn); }
Promise.setScheduler(fn => queue.push(fn);
// later
queue.flush(); // call every callback in a `then`.
Note that you might need to call .flush
more than once as more promises are creates in the queue from further then
Note that this is not Promises/A+ compliant. I recommend just writing an async test.